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Effetto Caffe Latex Injector

Effetto Caffe Latex Injector

. This syringe injects Cafflatex sealant through the valve, in a controlled, fast and clean way Features Multi valveworks for both Prestaremoving or not the valve core and Schrader

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Effetto Caffe Latex Injector

Brand: Effetto

List Price: £9.99

Price Range: £8.99 - £8.99

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. This syringe injects Cafflatex sealant through the valve, in a controlled, fast and clean way Features Multi valveworks for both Prestaremoving or not the valve core and Schrader valves, and comes with a long silicone tube for easier application. Capacitymaximum 100 ml. Usage tipswith the valve at a 3 or 9 oclock position, completely remove the piston from the syringe and connect the syringe tube to the valve, using the appropriate adapter. Once connected, keep the syringe vertical and pour the desire sealant quantity inside, then insert the piston pushing the sealant through the valve Please note to keep a perfect functionality over time, after every use wash thoroughly each part of the syringe with water BuyEffetto Wheels & Tyres from Chain Reaction Cycles, the World's Largest Online Bike Store.

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  • . This syringe injects Cafflatex sealant through the valve, in a controlled, fast and clean way Features Multi valveworks for both Prestaremoving or not the valve core and Schrader valves, and comes with a long silicone tube for easier application. Capacitymaximum 100 ml. Usage tipswith the valve at a 3 or 9 oclock position, completely remove the piston from the syringe and connect the syringe tube to the valve, using the appropriate adapter. Once connected, keep the syringe vertical and pour the desire sealant quantity inside, then insert the piston pushing the sealant through the valve Please note to keep a perfect functionality over time, after every use wash thoroughly each part of the syringe with water BuyEffetto Wheels & Tyres from Chain Reaction Cycles, the World's Largest Online Bike Store.....from Chain Reaction Cycles
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