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Tacx Galaxia T1100 Roller Trainer

Tacx Galaxia T1100 Roller Trainer

. The Galaxia takes you as close as possible to the natural road cycling experience, the rollers namely move along with you. You can perform sprints, extend your legs and stand on the

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Tacx Galaxia T1100 Roller Trainer

Brand: Tacx

List Price: £279.99

Price Range: £158.00 - £158.00

from 1 retailers

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. The Galaxia takes you as close as possible to the natural road cycling experience, the rollers namely move along with you. You can perform sprints, extend your legs and stand on the pedals without the fear of falling off Your movements are more free because you get close to the natural road cycling experience. When accelerating, the Galaxia rollers move forward as a result of the kinetic energy that is created and they move backwards when you slow down. With this patented swing system you can work on your speed and suppleness without any concerns. The Galaxia is collapsible and easy to transport. The Tacx rollers have a state of the art design. Thanks to the conical rollers your ride is extra stable, so you can focus even more on your goals in training improving your fitness and pedal stroke and maintaining your speed Cooling downMany worldclass riders dont go anywhere without their Tacx rollers. During their warm up and training sessions they use the rollers to maintain their speed and suppleness, essential tools for a track cyclist. Road cyclists increasingly use the rollers to cool down after a race. The bike doesnt have to be attached to the trainer, as with the Booster, and the rollers run lighter so you can pedal more relaxed. This is perfect for a good cool down after a long and strenuous exercise How the movable Galaxia worksStand on the pedals without having to be afraid of falling, stretching legs and making sprints.. all of this is possible with the Galaxia which moves with the rider and approximates the natural feel of the road. Exactly how do these revolutionary rollers of Tacx work and what is the major benefit for cyclists Thanks to the Galaxia the rider can move more freely. Due to the kinetic energy that is created during accelerating, the trainer moves forward. When slowing down, the trainer moves backward again. At first sight the "swing system" on the Galaxia looks slightly wobbly, but it has the opposite effect. This invention by Tacx enables the rider to actually stay on the rollers more easily. This invention is so unique that is has been patented by Tacx. The Galaxia works better than comparable rollers that have the trainer moving forward via elastomers, but which provide an unnatural feeling when slowing down. The new roller of Tacx is designed to give the rider additional freedom of movement. According to John Zwinkels, the creator who based his idea on physics, this is where the power of the Galaxia lies. Using three examples, he explains why the Galaxia is so exceptional 1. Outdoors on the road there are three variables the movement of the rider, the movement of the bicycle, and the stationary surface of the road. With a jump, the rider moves and the bicycle accelerates forward. The bicycle wheels rotate faster because of the stationary road. However, the forward jolt is absorbed by the freedom of movement of the bicycle with regard to the rear wheel and the pavement. 2. With standard rollers the three variables are the movement of the rider, the stationary bicycle, and the stationary roller. The rider must remain seated to allow the wheels to properly roll on the rollers; he has to pedal smoothly. The rider immediately senses the forward jolt on the saddle if he does not pedal smoothly, and there is the risk of the bicycle 'derailing' 3. The three variables with the Galaxia are the moving rider, the moving bicycle and the moving roller. With this the jolt is absorbed by the forward freedom of movement of the bicycle and the forward moving roller. This combination of freedoms of movement of the bicycle and the roller closely approximate the sensation of outdoor cycling. This is all due to the unique swing system of the Galaxia BuyTacx from Chain Reaction Cycles, the World's Largest Online Bike Store.

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  • . The Galaxia takes you as close as possible to the natural road cycling experience, the rollers namely move along with you. You can perform sprints, extend your legs and stand on the pedals without the fear of falling off Your movements are more free because you get close to the natural road cycling experience. When accelerating, the Galaxia rollers move forward as a result of the kinetic energy that is created and they move backwards when you slow down. With this patented swing system you can work on your speed and suppleness without any concerns. The Galaxia is collapsible and easy to transport. The Tacx rollers have a state of the art design. Thanks to the conical rollers your ride is extra stable, so you can focus even more on your goals in training improving your fitness and pedal stroke and maintaining your speed Cooling downMany worldclass riders dont go anywhere without their Tacx rollers. During their warm up and training sessions they use the rollers to maintain their speed and suppleness, essential tools for a track cyclist. Road cyclists increasingly use the rollers to cool down after a race. The bike doesnt have to be attached to the trainer, as with the Booster, and the rollers run lighter so you can pedal more relaxed. This is perfect for a good cool down after a long and strenuous exercise How the movable Galaxia worksStand on the pedals without having to be afraid of falling, stretching legs and making sprints.. all of this is possible with the Galaxia which moves with the rider and approximates the natural feel of the road. Exactly how do these revolutionary rollers of Tacx work and what is the major benefit for cyclists Thanks to the Galaxia the rider can move more freely. Due to the kinetic energy that is created during accelerating, the trainer moves forward. When slowing down, the trainer moves backward again. At first sight the "swing system" on the Galaxia looks slightly wobbly, but it has the opposite effect. This invention by Tacx enables the rider to actually stay on the rollers more easily. This invention is so unique that is has been patented by Tacx. The Galaxia works better than comparable rollers that have the trainer moving forward via elastomers, but which provide an unnatural feeling when slowing down. The new roller of Tacx is designed to give the rider additional freedom of movement. According to John Zwinkels, the creator who based his idea on physics, this is where the power of the Galaxia lies. Using three examples, he explains why the Galaxia is so exceptional 1. Outdoors on the road there are three variables the movement of the rider, the movement of the bicycle, and the stationary surface of the road. With a jump, the rider moves and the bicycle accelerates forward. The bicycle wheels rotate faster because of the stationary road. However, the forward jolt is absorbed by the freedom of movement of the bicycle with regard to the rear wheel and the pavement. 2. With standard rollers the three variables are the movement of the rider, the stationary bicycle, and the stationary roller. The rider must remain seated to allow the wheels to properly roll on the rollers; he has to pedal smoothly. The rider immediately senses the forward jolt on the saddle if he does not pedal smoothly, and there is the risk of the bicycle 'derailing' 3. The three variables with the Galaxia are the moving rider, the moving bicycle and the moving roller. With this the jolt is absorbed by the forward freedom of movement of the bicycle and the forward moving roller. This combination of freedoms of movement of the bicycle and the roller closely approximate the sensation of outdoor cycling. This is all due to the unique swing system of the Galaxia BuyTacx from Chain Reaction Cycles, the World's Largest Online Bike Store.....from Chain Reaction Cycles
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    Rating Comments
    5 Star Rating Brilliant piece of kit, hard to get right, but when you do its well worth the Effort.
    By: mr m h george, on February 8, 2018

    5 Star Rating Takes time
    By: lewys wilson, on June 10, 2014

    4 Star Rating wobbley
    By: Deggo, on January 2, 2013

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